Saturday, October 21, 2017


A couple more days and October comes to an end. (NOOOOO, I WANT THIS HALLOWEEN FEEL TO LAST FOREVER). This also brings us closer to 2017's ending and thus a small list of the books that I want (must) read before 2018 comes upon us.

I'm already reading Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo but having a bit of difficulty in continuing. It may be due to being in a reading slump so I'll try going into Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas or Without Merit by Colleen Hoover. 
Also, Scorched is the only book I still haven't read by Jennifer L. Armentrout and Brave doesn't count because it will only be released in December. 
Last but not least, Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare. I've been delaying reading this book because I know it will shatter my heart just like Lady Midnight did and I'm not ready to suffer. 
But who am I kidding? I'll suffer with both Jennifer L. Armentrout's books I mentioned, with Colleen's because every single book of her makes me suffer and let's not forget Sarah J. Maas who loves making her readers cry oceans.
So, in summary, I really want to read theses books before the year finishes and let's hope my reading slump doesn't stop me from accomplishing this small challenge. 


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